calendar_todayJuly 24, 2024

folder_openWritten by admin

Ceylon Teachers Union has said that 28 per cent of the children between five and 19 years of age in Anuradhapura District and 27 per cent of the schoolchildren in the Polonnaruwa District are suffering from malnutrition. (Copied from the daily Mirror of 4 th June 2024)

After seeing the above article in the Daily Mirror, we started giving a nourishing lunch for the 50 students who are in our leadership training group in Padaviya. These students come to our 2 pm computer classes, direct from school without having their lunch. Also, we added another 30 most needy students to this programme, from the school just opposite our training centre. We give a nourishing plate of rice with three vegetables, and fish, or an egg. We hope that we will be able to increase the number of students in the future according to the donations that we receive from our donors.

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